Virtual Interim Meeting featuring presentations from each fellow on their research and discussions amongst fellows, the supervisors, the EU Project Officer and the reviewer.
Informal Career Talk: Camilla Svensson
Date: 06/05/2021
Location: Virtual
Virtual Informal Career Talk by Professor Camilla Svensson, the Karolinska Institute, Sweden. For BonePainII PhD students.
Informal Career Talk: Iain Chessell
Date: 11/03/2021
Location: Virtual
Virtual Informal Career Talk by Dr Iain Chessell, Global Head of Neuroscience, BioPharmaceuticals Research & Development, AstraZeneca, UK. For BonePainII PhD students.
Virtual Masterclass on DRG Neurons
Date: 18/02/2021
Location: Virtual
Virtual Masterclass for BonePainII PhD students.
Virtual Pain Education Summit
Date: 06/11/2020- 08/11/2020
Location: Virtual
The European Pain Federation hosts this Virtual Pain Education Summit: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Pain. To see the programme and register for the event, please visit the link below.