PhD Defence Manasi Sayileksmy, University of Copenhagen

On December 7, 2018, the Early Stage Researcher Manasi Sayilekshmy defended her PhD thesis in front of friends and co-workers as part of the BonePain network at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 

Her assessment committee was composed of Clinical Professor Niklas Rye Jørgensen from Rigshospitalet Glostrup and the University of Southern Denmark, Professor Chantal Chenu from the Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences at the Royal Veterinary College of London, United Kingdom and chairman Professor Anders Hay-Schmidt from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen Denmark.

Manasi defended her thesis, titled ’Distribution of Nerves in human bone under malignant and non-malignant conditions’, where she provides the first deep characterization of nerve fibres in human bone. Her research has posed an important step forward in our understanding of human bone biology, as most of the currently available information proceeds from rodent animal models and thus does not fully reflect the clinical situation. 

Manasi has conducted her PhD studies at the University of Copenhagen and spent a significant amount of time working at Vejle Hospital, the University of Southern Denmark. There she learnt some of the techniques applied during her thesis, which include advanced immunohistological techniques and complex stereology (techniques that allow a three-dimensional interpretation of a tissue´s cross-section, which is two-dimensional). 

Manasi´s thesis has led to two peer-reviewed scientific publications where she describes the bone nerve profiles found in human bone and their alterations upon cancer metastases to the bone. This work provides important tools to understand the origin and transmission of bone pain, which may lead to the identification of novel therapies. Well done Manasi!

Following a successful thesis defence, Manasi was awarded a PhD and hosted a cosy reception at the University of Copenhagen, where friends and co-workers celebrated her three years of hard work.

Above: Manasi Sayilekshmy and Professor Chantal Chenu from the Royal Veterinary College, London.


