Successful 3rd BonePain Meeting in Stockholm

The third Annual BonePain Meeting was held at the Karolinska Institute on 26-28 February 2018. Principal investigators (PIs) and the Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in the consortium gathered in the snow in Stockholm.

The theme of the meeting was preparing the ESRs for their next career step. The PIs addressed questions about career choices and gave advice on job hunting in industry and academia. The ESRs had one-to-one sessions with their personal mentors and a workshop by Global Denmark on the successful job interview in a cross-cultural setting, where they had mock interviews.

The programme also featured scientific presentations by the ESRs and discussions, a talk on Pain and the Brain, and update on the BonePain Patient Ambassador Outreach programme and a visit to SciLifeLab, world leading Swedish national center for large-scale research and one of the largest molecular biology research laboratories in Europe, where we spotted this poster for a competition for young scientists. 

This will be the last annual meeting of this amazing BonePain network!
