The BonePainII Mid-Term Check and First Annual Meeting took place online on 27-28 April 2020. The Mid-Term Check aims to assess the monitoring the fulfilment of the recruitment procedure, the eligibility of the early stage researchers and raise awareness of the rights and obligations of the early stage researchers and the beneficiaries.
Despite change of plans due to Covid-19, all beneficiaries and early stage researchers got together virtually and had a constructive dialogue with the Project Officer from the European Research Agency (REA). The network received very positive feedback.
The meeting also featured transferable skills training with a workshop on FAIR Data. This was also the first annual network meeting, where all the early stage researchers presented their projects and had fruitful scientific discussions with the supervisors about their work. The Supervisory and the Early Stage Researchers Boards also hold meetings.
The meeting should have taken place at the University of Copenhagen and at Nordic Bioscience. The planned training sessions at Nordic Bioscience will be separate virtual training events instead.
The next annual meeting takes place in the spring 2021. We very much hope we can all meeting in person then.